UAVOS INC. offers its customers a simulator for testing UAVOS autopilot control capabilities of different types of unmanned vehicles ranging from 1kg to 1200kg in different weather conditions. The simulator includes special software, as well as software for the ground control station, developed by UAVOS. The simulator allows to make UAV trial flight in a virtual environment before the start of its production and to modify its design according to the results of such virtual flight tests.
The ground part of the UAVOS automatic control system software contains the integrated software block to simulate flight both in the virtual environment, as well as using the automatic control system hardware with the connection of the real autopilot (with imitated substitution of the autopilot sensor data by the flight simulator data).

Aliaksei Stratsilatau, Chairman of the Board and Lead developer: “Virtual models built with a high degree of conformity to the future or a real aircraft make it possible to almost perfectly set up the autopilot and test all flight modes, take-off and landing modes for both airplane-type UAVs and helicopters, copters, dirigibles and other non-standard types of aircraft. This procedure allows to perform the first flight immediately in automatic mode and reduces the risk of loss of the equipment at the flight test stage during critical flight or operating modes in strong wind and turbulence.”
The accuracy of UAV settings in a virtual environment with a correctly constructed model and correctly entered data is approximately 95%. The final setting of the autopilot is performed in the first flight during the execution of a special program - “calibration flight” (duration approximately 30-40 minutes). An important feature of this function is the possibility of visualization of actually performed flights in the simulator, which helps with the training or analysis of flight incidents, analysis of operator actions.
«Our clients can install the demo version of the UAVOS software for the ground control station and perform virtual training flights on various types of UAV by clicking the link to the company's website» - Aliaksei Stratsilatau commented.
12 March 2019